Nomination Process

As a nominator, you will serve as the fundraising Champion for your Diamond Honoree nominee by leading a campaign to raise a minimum of $2,500 and a challenge goal of $3,000 to support the ongoing priorities of ACPA. 

Nominations must include:

  • Diamond Honoree Champion (Nominator) Contact Information
  • Diamond Honoree Nominee Contact Information, Organization, and Title
  • Champion Letter of Nomination
  • Diamond Honoree Nominee CV/Resume
  • Optional: Additional Letters of Support

Nominations may be submitted via the 2025 Diamond Honoree application and should be received by 12 August, 2024.

Please remember: Champions are responsible for shepherding the fundraising campaign for their Diamond Honoree with the expectation of meeting the $2,500 fundraising goal.

Additional requirements, if selected:

  • Diamond Honoree  Biography (200 words maximum)
  • A high-resolution (>300 dpis) headshot of your ACPA Diamond Honoree

Questions regarding the program or potential nominees should be directed to Kathy Adams Riester, Diamond Honoree Committee chair, at [email protected].